Underage Alcohol & ID Charges
While parents may not like it, possession and consumption of alcohol by those under 21 years of age is commonplace in Wall New Jersey. There is also a considerable number of young adults with fake identification (a.k.a. false ID) in the municipality. The Wall Township Police are well aware of these facts and do not hesitate to file charges when they discover underage drinking or someone possessing a fake ID. Our Wall Township Criminal Firm can help you and your child reach a resolution of offenses like these with little to no long term ramifications. We are prepared to put our decades of experience, including years as prosecutors, in motion for you. Immediate assistance is a call away at 732-449-2292. Initial consultations with our attorneys are free.

Underage Possession or Consumption of Alcohol Charges
Both possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages is illegal in New Jersey under N.J.S.A. 2C:33-15. In order for the penalties under this law to apply to you or your child, the possession or consumption must be knowing and in a school, public place, or motor vehicle. A conviction for this disorderly persons offense results in a record, fine of $500-$1,000, and up to six (6) months in jail. And if your charge involved possessing or consuming alcohol in a car, truck or other motor vehicle, a driver’s license of six (6) months must be imposed. If you do not hold a license as yet, there your right to secure one will be delayed by six (6) months upon your becoming eligible.
False ID Offense
There are three (3) laws that may come into play if you have been charged with having a fake ID/identification. N.J.S.A. 2C:28-7 involves tampering with public records such as a motor vehicle license, birth certificate or passport. The law will apply to you if you altered an official record or identification item. The second law that often arises in false identification cases is N.J.S.A. 2C:21-2.1. It is a third degree felony crime to knowingly display or use a government document when you know it to be false. The final statute that is often used by police as a basis for an underage ID charge is N.J.S.A. 33:1-81. This offense makes it a disorderly persons offense for anyone to misrepresent their age to purchase alcoholic beverages or to enter an establish that serves alcohol. A conviction under this section results in a mandatory license suspension of six (6) months.
Underage Drinking Defense Attorney, Wall Township NJ
As you can see, there are several laws that come into play if you were arrested for underage drinking or for using a fake identification. Our attorneys have well over twenty years of experience defending underage offenses in Wall Municipal Court just like yours and can afford you a skillful defense. We have successfully handled literally hundreds of charges of this nature. Call our Wall Office for the assist you need at 732-449-2292. The initial consultation is free of charge.