Wall NJ Criminal Lawyers
Approximately 13,880 charges were issued in Wall Township last year and that is fairly typical in terms of annual totals. This makes Wall Municipal Court one of the busiest in Monmouth County. The volume of summonses and criminal complaints is especially high in the summer as vacationers drive through Wall to reach Spring Lake, Belmar, Sea Girt and Manasquan. The township is also enormous in size at 31.73 square miles and contains a long section of the Garden State Parkway, both of which also contribute to the high number of violations.

Our firm, The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall, probably appears in this municipality as much or more than any firm in the state. We handle hundreds of offenses originating in the town every year. Matt Dorry has even served as prosecutor in Wall Township. Mr. Marshall has also filled in as prosecutor in the town prior to starting this firm. To speak to Mr. Marshall or another attorney at the firm, contact our Wall Office at 732-449-2292. Lawyers are available 24/7 for free consultation.
Charged With A Disorderly Persons Offense in Wall NJ
The biggest portion of charges heard in Wall, other than traffic tickets, are disorderly persons offenses. These types of violations are the only criminal charges that fall under the original jurisdiction of Wall Municipal Court. We have also handled countless first, second, third and fourth degree crimes such as aggravated assault, possession of cocaine, distribution of marijuana to name a few. While a disorderly persons offense is not as serious as an indictable crime like these, do not make the mistake of thinking it does not have the potential to seriously effect your live. In fact, you can be sent to the county jail for up to six months for a charge like possession of marijuana, disorderly conduct, harassment or simple assault. Many of these offenses can also result in significant fines and court assessments, probation, drug testing, community service and even a driver’s license suspension.
Criminal Defense Lawyers In Wall Township NJ
Lets face it, police officers make mistakes. The attorneys at our firm know this well and challenge the police so that your rights are not violated. Common issues in this regard include whether a search warrant was issued and, if not, was their proper basis for a search or interrogation. Law enforcement is not free to stop, search or question you whenever they want or even to request a consent search. They must have a valid basis under the law (e.g. probable cause, reasonable suspicion, etc.) to intrude upon your rights. Our Wall NJ criminal lawyers will dissect the state’s case against you and identify your best defenses. A lawyer is available to help you immediately.